18.01.2013 Aufrufe

Arthur Schopenhauer - Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung

Arthur Schopenhauer - Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung

Arthur Schopenhauer - Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung


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Outstanding Honorees<br />

Our list of honorary doctors keeps growing. It is a list of a very illustrious club of successful<br />

and distinguished members of our society - worldwide. Among them recipients like the former<br />

� German president p Johannes Rau<br />

� Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla, former president of South Africa, winner of the 1993 Nobel<br />

Prize in peace<br />

� Ingenious minds like Walter Krohn who invented The Krohn Mechanical Mine Clearance<br />

System ,<br />

and many other high ranking renowned achievers from all walks of life and many<br />

countries, such as<br />

� Dr. T.J. Hawkeswood, from New South Wales, Australia, one of the greatest entomologists<br />

of all time, if not THE greatest , who has written over 270 scientific papers and other<br />

articles ti l iin bi biological l i l and d natural t l history hi t journ<strong>als</strong>. j l Hi His knowledge k l d of f all ll insect i t and d plant l t<br />

life is legendary<br />

� And Harrell, David B., B.Sc., an innovation research director, USA, a successful sleep<br />

medicine researcher<br />

�� Reinaldo Irizarry Irizarry, Sr Sr. MBA MBA. DPA DPA, USA USA, a veteran of the Vietnam war with twenty one years<br />

of experience in local law enforcement, and five years of experience in federal law<br />

enforcement -<br />

� Pfarr, Roland Klaus Paul, entrepreneur. Pfarr Stanztechnik GmbH, developed and patented<br />

a lead-free solder as an alternative for tin-silver-copper pp which is used in the electronics<br />

and (foremost) automobile industry

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