A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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mut sa kauswágan sa násud, He has much to contribute<br />

to the development <strong>of</strong> the country. {2} contribute<br />

to increase the intensity or quality. Ang kaígang<br />

nakaámut sa íyang kapungut, The heat contributed<br />

to making his anger worse. -l-an, -l-an() n<br />

contribution. Pagkadaghag alamútan (alamutan) sa<br />

iskuylahan, makapubri! You can go broke with all the<br />

contributions you have to make in school.<br />

amúti = kamúti.<br />

ámuy_1 n {1} icon. {2} the name <strong>of</strong> God used in<br />

speaking to small children. Ayaw pangáway kay masukù<br />

ang ámuy, Dont quarrel because God will get<br />

angry.<br />

ámuy_2 n term <strong>of</strong> address for very old men <strong>of</strong><br />

respectability. Kanà si Ámuy Militun kapitan sa<br />

panahun sa Katsílà, Amoy Meliton was a village head<br />

during the Spanish times. v [a12] call s.o. Amoy.<br />

amyun v [BN] emit a sweet fragrance. Miamyun<br />

(nangamyun) ang kahumut sa mga búlak, The flowers<br />

emitted a sweet fragrance. ka- n sweet smell.<br />

-an_1 local passive verb affix, future. (past gi-an; subjunctive<br />

-i. Potential forms: past na-an; future ma-an<br />

or, alternatively, ka-an; subjunctive ma-i or, alternatively,<br />

ka-i.) Not all verbs occur with this affix, and<br />

those that do may occur with only one or two or all<br />

<strong>of</strong> the meanings. {1} [do] for, at, on, in. Palitan ku<br />

siyag kík, I will buy him cake (or buy cake from him).<br />

Gipalitan ku siya, I bought some for (from) him. Wà<br />

ku siya paliti, I didnt buy any for (from) him. Mapalitan<br />

(kapalitan) ku siya, I can buy some for (from)<br />

him. Napalitan ku siya, I managed to buy some for<br />

(from) him. Wà ku siya mapaliti (kapaliti), I couldnt<br />

buy any for (from) him. {1a} with noun bases: give,<br />

provide s.o. [noun]. Sirúhan ka nákù, I will give you<br />

a zero. Sapatúsan ku ang bátà, I will put shoes on<br />

the child. {2} [do] directly to s.o. or s.t. Hagkan ku<br />

ikaw, I will kiss you. Bantayan ninyu ang prísu, Watch<br />

the prisoner. {2a} [do] to part <strong>of</strong> s.t. Kuháan ku ang<br />

ímung kík ug gamay, I will take a little <strong>of</strong> your cake.<br />

Kunhúran ku ang prisyu, I will take a little <strong>of</strong>f the<br />

price. {3} with verbs from adjectives: consider s.t. as.<br />

Lisdan siya sa átung sinultihan, He will find our language<br />

difficult. Gipilahan ka lang uruy niánà? Do you<br />

consider that a small amount? {4} have [verb] happen<br />

to one. Naulanan aku, I was caught in the rain. Labdan<br />

ka sa úlu, You will get a headache. (It will happen<br />

to you that your head will ache.) {5} [do] because <strong>of</strong>,<br />

due to. Unsay gihilákan mu? What is it you are crying<br />

about? Dílì nà ángayng kabalak-an, That is not<br />

worth getting worried over. {6} do in [such-and-such<br />

a manner]. Usaan nà nákug alsa, I will lift that with<br />

one (hand). Datadatáhan ku nag báyad, I will pay for

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