A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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pool, hit a target ball in such a manner that it knocks<br />

another ball towards the pocket. Sugúa nang nuybi<br />

arung masúd ang kinsi, Knock the number nine ball<br />

towards the number fifteen ball to knock it into the<br />

pocket (lit. order the number nine ball to make the<br />

fifteen go in). {3} [A; a12] use a water buffalo for plowing.<br />

Dì pa masúgù ang turíti, You cant use a young<br />

water buffalo for plowing. n {1} things one was told to<br />

do. Gitúman ba nímu ang ákung mga súgù? Have you<br />

done the things I told you to do? sa Diyus napúlù the<br />

Ten Commandments. {2} specific duties in an organization,<br />

group activity. Unsa may íyang súgù ánang<br />

kapunungána? What are his duties in that organization?<br />

{3} in phrases: sa láwas things one has to do<br />

out <strong>of</strong> biological necessity and cannot avoid: urinate,<br />

sleep, and the like. sa panahun exigency resulting from<br />

a state <strong>of</strong> weather. sa pálad decree <strong>of</strong> fate. sa papil<br />

according to the script. sa pagbátì needs arising from<br />

some emotion. pa- v [A13; b6] send s.o. s.w. to convey<br />

a message. Pasugúan ta ka ug magsúgud na ang<br />

dúlà, I will send s.o. over to notify you when the game<br />

starts. balin-an() a fond <strong>of</strong> giving orders, not liking<br />

to do things oneself. Balinsuguan bayhána dì mulíhuk<br />

sa íyang kaugalíngun, She is fond <strong>of</strong> giving orders to<br />

other people. She does not do things for herself. v<br />

[B12] be fond <strong>of</strong> giving orders. -in-n one sent on an<br />

errand. ka-an n orders, set <strong>of</strong> regulations. -l-un(), -l-<br />

un household help, servant. pa-l-un, pa-l-un() v [A13]<br />

hire oneself out as a servant.<br />

sug-u pa- v [A; b6] {1} do s.t. with dark looks in order<br />

to hurt or put to shame s.o. who ought to do it<br />

or at least help do it. Nagpasug-u ang agálun pagpanglaba,<br />

The mistress is doing the laundry to put her<br />

servant to shame. {2} do s.t. bad for oneself in order<br />

to spite s.o. and make him feel he was the one that led<br />

the agent into doing it. Nagpasug-u siyag inum-ínum<br />

sukad nímu bulagi, He started drinking for spite since<br />

you left him. pahiN- = sug-u, v2.<br />

sugub_1 v [B3(1)6; b6] sprout from the earth or skin.<br />

Misugub (nagsugub) na ang ákung pugas mais, The<br />

corn I sowed has sprouted. Gisuguban na ang íluk<br />

nga íyang giibtan sa balhíbu, Hair has sprouted in her<br />

armpit where she had pulled it out. n new growths <strong>of</strong><br />

hair, feathers, or sprouts from the earth.<br />

sugub_2 = sugud.<br />

sugud n sting <strong>of</strong> an insect. v [A; b5] for poisonous<br />

insects to bite leaving a stinger in the thing bitten.<br />

Tánga ang misugud sa ákung bábuy, A scorpion bit<br />

my pig.<br />

súgud v [A; b5] start, begin s.t.; begin doing s.t.<br />

Nagsúgud ug kapakpak ang pintal, The paint is starting<br />

to flake <strong>of</strong>f. Sugdun (sugdan) nátù ug limpiyu

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