A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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Húmuk ang yútà nga giukiúkan sa wati, The worm<br />

wiggled into the s<strong>of</strong>t earth.<br />

ukiut, ukíut = kulíkut (but not kulikut).<br />

uklab = ukab, v.<br />

uklaba v [B126] fall down forward. Nauklaba ku dihang<br />

nasángit ang ákung tiil sa tuud, I fell down forward<br />

when my foot got caught on a stump.<br />

ukmil = utmil.<br />

uknul v {1} [A3P; a3] be mildly surprised or startled.<br />

Mauknul (mahiuknul) giyud ang táwu nga makakità<br />

nímu, People will be surprised to see you. Nauknul<br />

ku pagkabalità nákù, I was taken aback on hearing<br />

the news. {2} [B] hesitate to do s.t., esp. with the<br />

action <strong>of</strong> starting and then stopping suddenly. Ngánung<br />

muuknul ka man sa pagsulud? Why do you stop<br />

suddenly before coming in? Muuknul kung mugámit<br />

ánà kay dilikádu ang tag-íya, I hesitate to use that because<br />

the owner is fussy. uknul-uknul v [B; c1] move<br />

in a bouncing, jouncing way. Nag-uknul-uknul ang<br />

trák sa libaungung karsáda, The bus jounced over the<br />

road that was full <strong>of</strong> holes. Tagabúkid nga mag-uknuluknul<br />

nga maglakaw, A mountaineer that bounces up<br />

and down as he walks.<br />

ukpaw v {1} [A2] leap while in a squatting position or<br />

in a manner like the frog. Miukpaw ang bakì ngadtus<br />

túbig, The frog leaped into the water. {2} [B; c1] walk<br />

with a bounce. Muukpaw ang linakwan sa táwung<br />

naánad ug puyù sa búkid bísan ug mapátag na ang<br />

laktan, People who are used to the mountains bounce<br />

when they walk, even on level areas. ukpaw-ukpaw v<br />

[A12] walk with a bounce or gallop. Nag-ukpaw-ukpaw<br />

ug maáyu ang kabáyù, The horse was galloping wildly.<br />

ukra_1 n okra.<br />

ukra_2 (from raukslang) n money.<br />

uksidyn, uksihína n oxygen. v [b5] use oxygen on s.o.<br />

uksihináda n hydrogen peroxide. v [b6] apply or clean<br />

s.t. with hydrogen peroxide.<br />

uksihínu = uksidyn.<br />

uksilyu v {1} [A; a12] borrow s.t., esp. for immediate<br />

and temporary use. Kun masakit ang mga bátà<br />

muuksilyu mig binatunan sa ka Máma, When the children<br />

get sick we temporarily use Mothers maid. Uksilyúha<br />

ang íyang awtu sa Duminggu, Borrow his car on<br />

Sunday. {2} [A; c1] request or hire s.o. to help or assist<br />

in work. Nag-uksilyu kug kusiníru pára sa pyista,<br />

Im hiring a cook for the fiesta. {2a} be an assistant.<br />

Ang ákung mga anak ang muuksilyu nákù sa nigusyu,<br />

My children are the ones who assist me in my business.

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