A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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tung íla sa iskwátir, They live deep in the squatter<br />

area. {3} in recesses <strong>of</strong> ones thoughts. Sa mga suuk<br />

sa ímung kunsyinsiya, In the recesses <strong>of</strong> your conscience.<br />

{4} foul smell characteristic <strong>of</strong> a dank, dirty<br />

corner. Pag-ílis gánig sinínà, nanimáhù ka lang suuk<br />

dà, Change into s.t. clean. You smell like a dank and<br />

dirty corner. v [c] be put at the corner or in a remote<br />

secluded place. paN-() n wisdom tooth. v [b4] grow a<br />

wisdom tooth. ka-an n remote out-<strong>of</strong>-the-way places<br />

<strong>of</strong> s.t. Íyang gisangyaw ang balità sa kasuukan sa ginharían,<br />

He spread the news to the remote corners <strong>of</strong><br />

the kingdom.<br />

suul v {1} [A2; b4] for an illness or bad behavior that<br />

recurs at intervals to recur. Misuul na pud ang íyang<br />

kabúang, His foolishness is showing itself again. Gisulan<br />

na pud siya sa íyang húbak, He is having an attack<br />

<strong>of</strong> asthma again. {2} [A; b4] have a stomach ache. Ug<br />

magsuul pa nang ímung tiyan, tumar áning tambal, If<br />

your stomach still hurts, take this medicine. n stomach<br />

pain. sa irù very painful stomach cramps believed<br />

to be a kabúhì which has found its way into the pit<br />

<strong>of</strong> the stomach. sulul-an, sul-ánun a prone to having<br />

recurring sicknesses or emotional derangements.<br />

súul v [A; c] wear, put s.t. on. Ngánung nagsúul ka<br />

mag bulingun? Why are you wearing dirty clothes?<br />

suun_1 v {1} [A; a2] imitate, adopt a fad or manner-<br />

ism. Dílì ku musuun sa mga bag-ung múda sa pamisti,<br />

I will not follow the new dress styles. Sayun ra ning<br />

baylíha, sun-a lang ang ákung lákang, This dance is<br />

easy; just follow my steps. {2} [A; c16] wear s.t. belonging<br />

to s.o. else. Sun-un ang ákung sinínà sa ákung<br />

manghud, My younger sister will wear my dress.<br />

suun_2 v [A; c] {1} fill up a hole, cavity with solid<br />

objects. Siyay misuun ug balas sa ímung sapátus, He<br />

filled your shoes with sand. Sun-ig batu ang mga láta,<br />

Fill the cans with stones. {2} = sul-ut, 2.<br />

súun ig- n brother or sister. ig- sa inahan, amahan n<br />

half-sister or brother on ones mothers or fathers side.<br />

ig- sa ngálang ig- a brother in the real sense <strong>of</strong> the<br />

word. v [A123S] have as a brother or sister. paNv<br />

[A2; c1] consider s.o. as a brother or sister. Ug<br />

ang Muslim na gániy makapangigsúun nímu, unúngan<br />

ka giyud, When a Muslim considers you a brother, he<br />

is loyal to you. mag-, manag- n siblings. v [A13; c]<br />

do s.t. together as siblings. Imagsuun níla ang ílang<br />

nigusyu, The siblings will do business together. magsa<br />

lamísa apan dílì sa bulsa each must pay his own way,<br />

whether or not they are brothers (lit. brothers at the<br />

table but not with the pocketbook). Bayran giyud nímu<br />

ang ímung útang nákù kay bísan túud ug magsúun ta sa<br />

lamísa, dílì man sa bulsa, You should pay me what you<br />

owe because though we are brothers, we have different

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