A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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[B46; b4] for an emotion to flare up. Ngánung miulbu<br />

ka man lang dáyun nga wà ka man masáyud sa hinungdan?<br />

Why did you flare up when you didnt know<br />

the cause? {3} [B246] for war to break out. {4} [AP;<br />

c1] puff up the hair by teasing. Ákung ulbúhun (iulbu)<br />

ug diyútay ning ímung buhuk arun mutáas ang ímung<br />

náwung, Ill tease your hair a little to give length to<br />

the face. n the height <strong>of</strong> s.t. that rose up. Ang ulbu<br />

sa asu lápaws pangánud, The pillar <strong>of</strong> smoke went beyond<br />

the clouds. pina- n puffed-up hairdo. v [B136;<br />

c6] do ones hair in a teased style.<br />

uldáwun n a hand in mahjong where all the pieces are<br />

open on the table except the one or two pieces which<br />

one is holding waiting to get mahjong.<br />

uldug a puffed-up, heaped-up. Uldug kaáyu ang ímung<br />

hirdu, You have a puffed-up hairdo. v [B3(1); c1] be,<br />

become puffed-up or piled up in a mound. Uldúgun<br />

(iuldug) ku ang sagbut úsà daúban, I pile the trash<br />

into a heap before I burn it.<br />

ulhi = ulahi.<br />

ulhus v [C; c1] take turns doing s.t.; do s.t. by turns or<br />

alternately. Mag-ulhus ta ug káun kay gamay ra ang<br />

lamísa, Lets eat in turns because the table is small.<br />

Nagkaulhus mig anhi kay way mabilin sa báy, We are<br />

coming here one at a time so s.o. can be left home to<br />

watch the house.<br />

úli n oil cloth. v [A; b6] cover with, use oil cloth.<br />

úlì v {1} [A; c] return s.t. to s.o. Nag-úlì ku áring<br />

libru nga hinulaman, I am returning this book I borrowed.<br />

Kinsay giulían mu sa tigib, Whom did you<br />

return the chisel to? Iúlì ni ngadtung Túni, Return<br />

this to Tony. {1a} ang lisinsiya [A; c6] for a couple to<br />

stop having babies because the wife is no longer able<br />

to or because they choose to. Dì sà mi muúlì sa ámung<br />

lisinsiya kay wà pa miy babáyi, We wont stop having<br />

babies until we have a girl. 2 [A; a1c] return s.t. to<br />

its place, reassemble. Antígu kang muúlì áning karburadur,<br />

Do you know how to put this carburator back<br />

together? {2a} = ulì balay. {3} [C; a12] be reconciled<br />

after having quarreled. Nag-úlì na mi human sa<br />

ámung panagbángì, We are on good terms again after<br />

our quarrel. {4} [A; b(1)] buy s.t. from s.o. which<br />

he had originally not bought for resale. Ulían ta ning<br />

ímung sapátus, Id like to buy from you that pair <strong>of</strong><br />

shoes that you bought for yourself. {5} [A; b(1)] reimburse<br />

s.o. for what he had spent. Muúlì ka nákù sa<br />

gastu sa ákung byáhi, Will you reimburse me for my<br />

expenses on my trip? n amount paid for s.t. which<br />

was not originally for sale. () v {1} [A2; a12] come,<br />

go home. Dì ta makaulì kay way trák, We can not<br />

go home because theres no bus. {2} [b8] regain con-

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