A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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upside-down cake.<br />

aptudit a au courant, up-to-date on events. Aptudit<br />

kaáyu ning bayhána sa mga tabì, That woman is<br />

au courant when it comes to gossip. v [B126] be au<br />

courant.<br />

apuntr v [A; c] record, list down s.t. Ang iskúrir<br />

mauy miapuntr sa iskur sa nagbaskit, The scorekeeper<br />

recorded the score <strong>of</strong> the teams playing basketball.<br />

Iapuntr unya kiring ákung giútang, List down<br />

the things I am getting on credit.<br />

arangka_2 v [C; b3] engage in a noisy quarrel. Gubut<br />

kaáyug mag-arangka na ang bana ug ang íyang abubhuang<br />

asáwa, All hell breaks loose when the husband<br />

and his jealous wife quarrel.<br />

arastr = alastr.<br />

araw-áraw paN- a for ones daily and ordinary use<br />

(slang). Pang-araw-áraw níya ang ílang mutsatsa, ang<br />

íyang uyab panagsa ra níya dulgi, He has his maid for<br />

ordinary, everyday intercourse, and only rarely his fiancée.<br />

arbul_2 di = arbur di.<br />

arbur di n Arbor Day.<br />

aríba_4 shout <strong>of</strong> encouragement to a player or per-<br />

former. Aríba, Kutya, usa na lang ka puwint, Come<br />

on, Cotia, you only need one more point.<br />

ar-ip si n acronym for the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation,<br />

now known as the Development Bank <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Philippines. v [A; a12] make a loan with the R.F.C.<br />

árit n sexual intercourse (slang). pala- a having a great<br />

capacity for sexual intercourse.<br />

aríya_1 v {5a} [A] for a boat to begin moving away<br />

from the wharf. Miaríya na ang barku pag-abut námù<br />

sa pantalan, The boat had started to move away when<br />

we arrived at the wharf. {6} [B4] start to give way,<br />

collapse. Miaríya ang payag nga nadaghanan sa táwu,<br />

The hut was so full <strong>of</strong> people it started to collapse.<br />

armunída = almunída.<br />

arsínik n arsenic. v [a12] poison with arsenic.<br />

arsupu n word-play on arsubispu (humorous).<br />

asam-asam v [AN; b(1)] {1} dare do s.t. difficult, beyond<br />

ones capacity to do. Mag-asam-asam kag pangusína<br />

nga dì gánì ka kamaung muháling? Do you dare<br />

cook when you dont even know how to kindle a fire?<br />

{2} dare do s.t. one doesnt have a right to do. Nagasam-asam<br />

man siyag lingkud sa uluhan sa lamísa, dì<br />

nauláwan siya? He had the nerve to sit at the head <strong>of</strong><br />

the table. So he was put to shame.

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