A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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kisapkisap v [A1; a] move the jaw up and down in a<br />

chewing motion, munch. Pirming magkisapkisap ang<br />

kábaw bísag dì manabsab, A carabao is always munching<br />

even if its not grazing. Maáyu ning swinggam<br />

kisapkisapun samtang magdúlà, Its good to chew gum<br />

while playing.<br />

kisas v [A23P; b2c1] fail to follow through on s.t. set<br />

forth. Mukisas ka sa átung sábut, You dont adhere to<br />

our agreement. Kining mga pitsipitsing gastu mauy<br />

makakisas (makapakisas) sa átung badyit, These miscellaneous<br />

expenses wreak havoc with our budget.<br />

kísaw v [A; a] {1} make a s<strong>of</strong>t, pleasant rustling sound.<br />

Mukísaw lang ang kalasangan ug huypun sa hángin,<br />

The forest rustles only when the wind blows through<br />

it. {2} disturb the water. Ayaw kisáwa ang túbig kay<br />

dúnay namasul, Dont disturb the water because s.o.<br />

is fishing. {3} [B46] hum with activity. Magkísaw ang<br />

kusína ug mapista, The kitchen hums with activity<br />

during fiestas. {4} [A; b6] stir up, disturb the peace.<br />

Nakísaw ang ílang pamuyù sa parinting niípun, The<br />

relatives which moved in with them disturbed their<br />

peace. {4a} confuse s.o.s mind. Usa ka dakung suliran<br />

mikísaw sa íyang kaisípan, A serious problem is<br />

disturbing his thoughts. Kisáwan kaáyu ku niánang<br />

dúwà nga madyung, I find mahjong very confusing.<br />

n {1} sound <strong>of</strong> rustling or splashing. {2} activity. a<br />

disturbing or confusing. ka- = kísaw, n.<br />

kisaykísay v [AN; c1] thrash the arms and legs around<br />

in water to stay afloat or thrash the legs and arms<br />

about while lying on the back. Bísag dì makamaung<br />

mulanguy basta mukisaykísay (mangisaykísay) lang<br />

dílì giyud malumus, Even if you dont know how to<br />

swim, if you thrash your arms and legs about, you<br />

wont drown. Nagkisaykísay ang bátà sa kúna, The<br />

baby thrashed its arms and legs about in its crib.<br />

kisdum v {1} [B; b6] for the sky to darken. Nagkisdum<br />

ang panahun kay may bagyung muabut, The weather<br />

is gloomy because a typhoon is coming. {2} [B; a2]<br />

for the face to get a gloomy and frowning expression.<br />

Nagkisdum ang nawung. Nasukù tingáli, He has a<br />

dark expression on his face. He must be angry.<br />

kisdung = kisdum.<br />

kisi, kisikísi v [A2S; b6] {1} wriggle around as if to<br />

get free. Nagkisikisi ang isdà sa ákung kamut, The<br />

fish wriggled in my hand. {2} for a child to stamp<br />

its feet, jump around or just insist on fulfilling its desire.<br />

Magkisikisi (magkisikísi) ang bátà ug dì paubanun,<br />

The child throws a tantrum if you dont let him<br />

go along. pa-v [A; b6] insist, be insistent. Mipakisi<br />

siya pag-adtu bísag gibalibáran, She insisted in going<br />

though she wasnt permitted to.

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