A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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the young <strong>of</strong> the balátung, tahúri, munggu, and habitsuylas.<br />

kubiku n cubic meters.<br />

kubìkubì v [AN; a12] {1} touch, monkey with. Ayaw<br />

kubìkubia ang mga butang sa lamísa, Do not mess<br />

with the things on the table. {2} touch things to steal<br />

them. Wà gyud ku makakubìkubì sa mga butang sa<br />

ímung bulsa, I have never touched the things in your<br />

pocket. -un, -an a having the tendency to monkey<br />

with things or engage in petty thievery.<br />

kubil v [A; a12] touch s.t. so as to do s.t. to it.<br />

Bunálan giyud nákug dúnay mukubil ning ákung papílis,<br />

Ill spank anyone who touches my papers. Unyà<br />

na nákù ni kubila kay gabíi na, Ill work on this later<br />

because its now late.<br />

kubing n tripletail, a k.o. fish: Lobotes surinamensis.<br />

kúbir n {1} cover. Kúbir sa magasin, Magazine cover.<br />

{2} amount charged per setting in a dinner party at<br />

a restaurant. Tagsingku písus ang kúbir sa parti, The<br />

party will be five pesos per person. v {1} [A; b6(1)]<br />

cover s.t. Kubíri ang libru, Put a cover on the book.<br />

{2} [A; a] take cover, shelter. Mukúbir ta ánang batu<br />

inigpinusílay, Lets take cover behind that rock when<br />

the firing starts. {2a} [A; b] cover up for s.t. Bisag<br />

unsay íyang buhátun kubíran dáyun sa inahan arun<br />

dì hibaw-an sa amahan, Whatever he does his mother<br />

will cover it up, so the father wont find out. {2b}<br />

[A; b] shield s.o. in a ball game. Kubíri ku samtang<br />

magdríbul ku, Cover me while I dribble. {3} [a3] be<br />

put on a magazine cover. Makúbir si Imilda sa Layip,<br />

Imelda will be on the cover <strong>of</strong> Life. {4} [A] give s.t.<br />

news or radio-TV coverage. Ang istasiyun sa radyu<br />

diway-ar-ip mauy nikúbir sa dakung súnug sa dálan<br />

kulun, Station DYRF covered the big fire on Colon<br />

Street. kubirkúbir v [A13] walà, dílì be direct, keep<br />

nothing concealed where propriety would require the<br />

opposite. Wà siya magkubirkúbir sa íyang pagkadisgrasyáda,<br />

She made no bones about not being a virgin.<br />

way frank, without concealing anything (when<br />

one should).<br />

kubirta = kubyirta.<br />

kubirtus = kubyirtus.<br />

kubit v {1} [A; a] touch s.o., curling the fingers to get<br />

his attention. Milíngì ku kay dihay ningkubit nákù,<br />

I turned around because s.o. poked me. {1a} turn<br />

to s.o. influential for help. Dúna ba tay makubit<br />

didtu sa kustums? Do we have anybody influential<br />

to help us out in the custom? {1b} [A1; a2b2] steal<br />

s.t. not <strong>of</strong> great value. Bantayi nà kay kubitun unyà<br />

nà, Keep an eye on it because s.o. might lift it. {1c}<br />

[A2; a12] get a woman for illicit sex. Wà giyuy muku-

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