A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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sa ámù kay túa sa Mindanaw si Pápa ug Máma, Im<br />

the C.O. at home now because Dad and Mom are in<br />

Mindanao. v [B1256] get to be the C.O.<br />

siúdi n {1} C.O.D., acronym for cash on delivery. {2}<br />

get s.t. on credit. v [A; c1] get s.t. on credit. Ug wà<br />

kay kwarta karun siudía (isiúdi) na lang, If you dont<br />

have any money just get it on credit. n debt.<br />

síug () v [A; a] {1} budge, move s.t. heavy. Batu<br />

nga dì masiug ug tulu ka táwu, A rock that cannot<br />

be budged by three persons. {2} move ones emotions.<br />

Ang lúhà sa dalága wà makasiug níya, The tears <strong>of</strong> the<br />

maiden did not move him.<br />

siyuk, síyuk v [A; a] for the eyes to squint in bright<br />

light. Misíyuk (nagsiyuk) ang íyang mga mata nga<br />

nagtan-aw sa kaláyu, He squinted as he looked at the<br />

flame.<br />

subrikáma v [A; c1] make, use as a bedspread.<br />

súgat sugatsúgat v [A; a 12] accompany a song or<br />

melody with make-do chords. Sugatsugátun lang sa<br />

magduduyug ang kanta nga dì kaáyu níya sinátì, The<br />

accompanist uses make-do chords if he is not very familiar<br />

with the song.<br />

súgid sugilánun n {2} conversation. v [C2] converse.<br />

Dì úsà ta mangatg kay magsugilánun usà ta, Lets not<br />

go to sleep yet. Lets talk for a while. Ayaw úsag<br />

lakaw kay makigsugilánun pa ku nímu, Dont leave yet<br />

because I want to talk with you.<br />

sulisitar = sulísit.<br />

súlu alún = súlu, v2.<br />

sul-ung v {2} [B246] for heat or temperature to rise.<br />

Ug musul-ung ang kaínit sa ímung láwas, hilantan ka,<br />

If your body gets hot, you have a fever.<br />

súma pag- (inig-) pa but when it comes to a test. Ingun<br />

kang kamau ka. Pagsúma (pagsumáda) pa, dì diay,<br />

You said you knew how, but when it came to a test,<br />

you didnt.<br />

sumu_3 a the first litter <strong>of</strong> piglets a sow has. Sa<br />

karáang tinuhúan dì kunu maáyung buhiun sa tag-íya<br />

ang bábuyng sumu, According to folk belief the owner<br />

should not raise the first litter <strong>of</strong> piglets a sow has (for<br />

they will die under his care).<br />

sung-ad = sun-ad.<br />

sungkat = sungkad.<br />

sunlut -an() v [A13; a3] prepare sunlutan to eat.<br />

supukar = sipukar.<br />

sur_1 n {4} south. Lánaw Sur, South Lanao.

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