A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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hiklùhiklù v [AP; c1P] shake the head from side to side<br />

in embarrassment upon asking s.o. for s.t. or when<br />

praised. Nagpahiklùhiklù (naghiklùhiklù) kay naíkug,<br />

She was shaking her head out <strong>of</strong> embarrassment.<br />

hiknat, hiknit v [A; a12] pull slightly with the fingers<br />

as if stretching s.t. Walà kung kabantay nga kadtung<br />

táwung naghiknat sa ákung dunggan mauy nagkáwat<br />

sa aríyus, I did not notice that the man who was<br />

pulling my ears was stealing my earrings.<br />

hiktarya = iktarya.<br />

hiktin a {1} narrower than normal. Hiktin kaáyung<br />

dalána. Dì kaagiag trák, This street is too narrow<br />

for a truck to pass through. Hiktin ra ning panaptúna<br />

pára bistidúhun, This piece <strong>of</strong> cloth is too narrow<br />

for a dress. Labihan kahiktin sa íyang sinínà, Her<br />

dress was way too small. {2} narrow-minded. Hiktin<br />

kaáyu siyag mga panghunàhúnà sa pulitika, He is very<br />

narrow-minded about politics. v [B2; b6] be, become<br />

too narrow, small.<br />

híkug v {1} [AB; a] strangle, hang oneself. Diriyut<br />

ku mahíkug kay gibira ang ákung kurbáta, I almost<br />

choked to death because s.o. pulled my necktie.<br />

Maghíkug na lang ku kay gibulagan ku, Ill hang myself<br />

because we broke up. {2} [B146; b6] commit suicide<br />

by any means. Pangpang nga íyang gihikúgan, The<br />

cliff where he committed suicide.<br />

hikùhíkù v [AP; c1P] {1} rock, shake with laughter,<br />

dancing. Naghikùhíkù siya pagkinatáwa, She rocked<br />

back and forth with laughter. Maáyu kaáyu siyang<br />

muhikùhíkù sa láwas samtang nagsáyaw, She swayed<br />

her body beautifully as she danced. {2} = hiklùhiklù.<br />

híkum v [A; c2] do s.t. stealthily to avoid being noticed.<br />

Mihíkum siyag súd sa kwartu sa babáyi, He<br />

went inside the room <strong>of</strong> the girl stealthily. Hikúmi<br />

(ihíkum) ug hátag ang kwarta, Give him the money<br />

secretly. a done in a stealthy, furtive manner.<br />

hikut_1 = higut.<br />

hikut_2 a {1} slant-eyed. Hikut ug mga mata ang<br />

kasagáran sa mga Hapun, Japanese are usually slanteyed.<br />

{2} Japanese. Ang mga ayruplánung hikut,<br />

Japanese airplanes. v [B; b6] be, become slant-eyed.<br />

hikutar v [A; a12] attend to s.t. and get it done. Si<br />

Pápa ang muhikutar (maghikutar) pagpangítag balay<br />

nga átung kabalhínan, Father will take care <strong>of</strong> looking<br />

for a house for us to move to. hikutádu a taking great<br />

care, being very concerned. Ang purman hikutádu nga<br />

mahuman dáyun ang trabáhu, The foreman sees to it<br />

that the work gets done right away. v [B12] get to be<br />

attentive to s.t.

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