A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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at our party. krásir n gate crasher.<br />

gitára n guitar. v {1} [A] play the guitar. {2} [a12]<br />

make into a guitar. gitarista n guitar player, accompanist.<br />

v [B16] become a guitarist.<br />

gitgit_1 n k.o. swallow: Artamus leucorhynchus. -inn<br />

k.o. kite with a swallows tail.<br />

gitgit_2 n variety <strong>of</strong> kalípay.<br />

gitì n clitoris (coarse). sa ímung (íyang) ina = bilat<br />

sa ina (coarse). see bilat. v [A12] the thing that is<br />

irksome (coarsesaid in extreme annoyance). Ang nakagitì<br />

nímu mau nga tihik ka, Whats wrong with you<br />

is that youre stingy.<br />

gítib = gitlib.<br />

gítik v {1} [AN; a1] tickle, titillate. Ang naggítik<br />

(nanggítik) nakakatawa usab tungud sa inagik-ik sa<br />

gigítik, The way she squealed as she was being tickled<br />

made the fellow that was tickling her laugh. {2} [a12]<br />

stab s.o. with a slender pointed instrument (slang).<br />

Ang gigítik níya sa ayispik namatay, The person he<br />

stabbed with the ice pick died. {3} pluck a musical<br />

instrument. Ang sista nga íyang gigítik, The guitar he<br />

is playing. n tickling. ma-un a titillating. Ang íyang<br />

magitíkung huwaphúwap nakapadásig nákù, Her titillating<br />

caresses excited me. gitkánun, giktánun a tick-<br />

lish, sensitive to tickling.<br />

gitinggiting = gintingginting. see ginting.<br />

gitlì v [A; b6] for a tiny portion <strong>of</strong> s.t. to come into<br />

view before the whole shows itself. Migitlì na ang<br />

únang bidlísiw sa adlaw, The first rays <strong>of</strong> the sun<br />

started to peep out.<br />

gitlib v [A; b6] start to appear on a surface by showing<br />

a tiny portion. Migítib na ang binhì, The seed has<br />

started to sprout. Mihubag ang lagus nga gigitíban<br />

sa panúuk, The gums swelled where his wisdom tooth<br />

was making its appearance.<br />

gitpas n ticket allowing one free admission. v {1} [A1;<br />

b] use a gate pass. {2} [A12; b] get a gate pass. Nakagitpas<br />

ku ganína, I was able to get a gate pass a while<br />

ago.<br />

gitugitu = ngitungitu.<br />

gítung n tang, the small projecting part <strong>of</strong> a blade<br />

that is fitted into the handle. v [A; a2] make a tang,<br />

provide with a tang.<br />

giuk, gíuk v [A; a] remove grain from rice stalks with<br />

the feet. Gigiuk níla ang humay, They threshed the<br />

rice.<br />

gíut a tight with barely enough space because <strong>of</strong> close-

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