A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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[B1256] become a ranter.<br />

bag-id v [AB46; ac] rub back and forth against. Mibagid<br />

ang bábuy sa batu kay gikatlan, The pig brushed<br />

itself against the stone because it itched. Kamau ka<br />

bang mubag-id ug kawáyan arun mukáyu? Do you<br />

know how to rub two sticks together to make fire?<br />

Nabag-iran ang ákung dyíp, Some car grazed my jeep.<br />

Gibag-id níya ang íyang áping sa ákù, He rubbed his<br />

cheek against mine. n sticks to make fire.<br />

báging v [A; a12] work out with a punching bag.<br />

Bagíngun ta ning ímung pansing bag, Ill have a workout<br />

on your punching bag.<br />

bágis_1 a {1} be completely careless <strong>of</strong> all rules <strong>of</strong><br />

decorum, esp. proper dress. Bágis kaáyu siya kay<br />

magtiniil lang ug musimba, He is a hippy because<br />

he goes to church barefooted. {2} be grossly misbehaved<br />

in general. {3} be a tough, ruffian. v [B12]<br />

get to be grossly misbehaved. -in- v {1} [A; a2] appear<br />

unkempt. Bisan ug makabinágis ka ug kausa itsapuyráhun<br />

ka, If you appear unkempt just once you<br />

will get kicked out. {2} [A] act as if one doesnt care<br />

what others say. Ug aku diay binagísan níya, hilatiguhan<br />

giyud, If he misbehaves toward me, Ill give<br />

him a beating.<br />

bágis_2 = badlis.<br />

bagit v {1} [A13] invite or provoke a bad outcome.<br />

Nagbagit ka giyud sa ímung kadaútan, You are certainly<br />

courting disaster for yourself. {2} [AP] cause to<br />

be aroused or stimulated. Kining pamisti nímu nagbagit<br />

(nagpabagit) sa yawan-ung hunàhúnà sa mga<br />

laláki, The way you dress arouses devilish passions<br />

in a man. bagitbagit v [A13; a12] provoke s.o. into<br />

action. Nagbagitbagit ka giyud sa ímung bána niánang<br />

ímung pagkasabaan, Youre provoking your husband<br />

to anger with your nagging. mabagitbagitun a<br />

provocative. Pahíyum nga mabagitbagitun, Provocative<br />

smile.<br />

bagíyus n loud hissing or whizzing sound. v [A; b6]<br />

whizz loudly. Mibagíyus ang hángin tungud sa bagyu,<br />

The wind whizzed because <strong>of</strong> the typhoon. Nagbagíyus<br />

ang trák nga kusug kaáyung nagdagan, The<br />

truck roared as it moved rapidly.<br />

baglis = badlis.<br />

bagnas = bagnus.<br />

bagnid v [A; c1] shred papaya, cassava, and things <strong>of</strong><br />

similar consistency. Bagníra (ibagnid) na ang kapáyas<br />

kay átung kiláwun, Shred the papaya because we are<br />

going to pickle it.<br />

bagnud v [A; b6(1)] rub s.t. solid against s.t. hard<br />

and even. Kinsay nagbagnud ug plurwaks sa sawug?

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