A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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{2} for emotions to be stored up in one. Kasína nga<br />

naglúub sa ákung dughan, The envy that dwelt in my<br />

breast.<br />

luud a nauseous, causing nausea. Luud kan-un ang<br />

pagkáung pan-us, Stale food is nauseous to eat. v [B2;<br />

a4] become, feel nauseous. Nagkaluud ang báhù sa<br />

kasilyas, The toilet is getting to smell more and more<br />

nauseous. Lud-un giyud kung mamínaw sa ímung<br />

mga pasálig, I really get nauseated listening to your<br />

promises. lud-ánun, lud-unun a easily given to feeling<br />

nauseous.<br />

lúud paN- v [A2; b3] sulk by refraining from doing s.t.<br />

because <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fense or a wish not granted. Dì na siya<br />

mukanta. Nanglúud nga wà pakpáki, She wont sing<br />

any more. She is sulking because she didnt get enough<br />

applause. luuray v [C23] take <strong>of</strong>fense at each other and<br />

sulk. Way mahímù ang átung kláb kay nagluuray ang<br />

mga upisyális, Our club wont achieve anything because<br />

the <strong>of</strong>ficers are constantly taking <strong>of</strong>fense at each other<br />

and refraining from doing things. luuran a easily given<br />

to sulking, withdrawing from an activity.<br />

luug a {1} savage, uncivilized. {2} ignorant, lacking<br />

sophistication like a savage. Ayg tudlùtudlúa nang<br />

mga trák. Luug ka man tingáli, Dont point your finger<br />

at those vehicles. Are you ignorant? v [B12; a2] be,<br />

become ignorant, unsophisticated. Maluug kag adtu<br />

ka magpuyù sa búkid, You will grow up ignorant if<br />

you stay in the mountains. -in-a in the manner <strong>of</strong> a<br />

savage. Linuug nga búhat ang panglúgus, Rape is a<br />

savage act. v [A; c1] act like a savage. -ing() = luug,<br />

a2 (humorous euphemism).<br />

lúuk_1 v {1} [A; a] strangle, esp. with two hands.<br />

Luúkun ta ka dihag musúkul ka, Ill strangle you if you<br />

fight back. {2} [AC2; a12] neck, pet to the point <strong>of</strong><br />

or nearly to the point <strong>of</strong> intercourse (slang). Gilúuk<br />

bítaw nákù, sugut lagi, I got her over-excited, and you<br />

bet she gave in. maN-r-() n strangler.<br />

lúuk_2 n bay. Pagbagyu mitágù ang lantsa sa may<br />

lúuk, During the typhoon the launch took shelter in<br />

the bay. luuklúuk v {1} [A1] eat food alone by oneself.<br />

Siya ray nagluuklúuk ug káun sa íyang bálun, She was<br />

eating her lunch <strong>of</strong>f in a corner by herself. {2} [A13]<br />

do the work alone by oneself without help from others.<br />

Aku ra giyuy nagluuklúuk niíning trabahúa, I did this<br />

work all alone by myself. kina-an() n inmost part <strong>of</strong> a<br />

bay.<br />

lúum v [A; c] put s.t. entirely into the mouth. Íyang<br />

gilúum ang usa ka buuk pán, He put the whole piece <strong>of</strong><br />

bread into his mouth. () v {1} [A23] hold ones breath,<br />

stifle back ones breath. Napakung ang íyang bitíis ug<br />

miluum siya sa kasakit, He banged his shins and he<br />

held his breath in pain. {2} [A; c6] repress, keep to

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