A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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astarda_2 íha di- illegitimate daughter.<br />

bastardu_1 a for a course or direction to be <strong>of</strong>f to the<br />

side and not directly into. v [B56; a1] be <strong>of</strong>f to one<br />

side. Nagbastardu ámung ági tungud sa sulug, Our<br />

course was <strong>of</strong>f to one side because <strong>of</strong> the current.<br />

bastardu_2 íhu di- illegitimate child.<br />

bastid a {1} for a bulb to be burnt out. {2} be out<br />

in blackjack. v {1} [A; a12] spurn a suitor (slang).<br />

Gibastid si Husi sa íyang gipangulitawhan, The girl<br />

Jose is courting spurned him. {2} [B126] for a bulb to<br />

burn out. {3} [B126] go over twenty-one in blackjack.<br />

Wà ka ba mabastid? Didnt you go over twenty-one?<br />

bastidur_1 = birsu_1.<br />

bastidur_2 n rounded frame for use in embroidery. v<br />

[A1; a] use, make into an embroidery frame.<br />

bastika n the hard core <strong>of</strong> thick abaca rope which remains<br />

when the rope is worn out. Ayaw ilábay ang<br />

písì. Magámit pa ang bastika niíni, Dont throw the<br />

rope away. The hard core can still be used.<br />

bastipul = bustipul.<br />

bastiyan n {1} mans name. {2} euphemism for bastus.<br />

bastruk v [A; a1] strike s.o. with the butt <strong>of</strong> a gun.<br />

Bastrúkun ku siya ning karbin, Ill strike him with the<br />

butt <strong>of</strong> this carbine.<br />

bastun n {1} walking stick, usually polished and sometimes<br />

with carved designs. {2} package, bar, long like<br />

a cane. Usa ka bastung sabun, A long bar <strong>of</strong> soap.<br />

Usa ka bastung sigarilyu, A carton <strong>of</strong> cigarettes. di<br />

San Husi = kilála. v {1} [A; a] use, make into a cane.<br />

{2} [A2; a] hit with a cane. {3} [A; a12] make into<br />

long bar-shaped cakes or packages. -íru n jailer. v<br />

[A1; a12] be a jailer.<br />

bastus_1 a acting in a morally reprehensible way.<br />

Kabastus, mangílad ug buta, How reprehensible!<br />

Cheating a blind man! Nagkalingaw ug isturyag bastus,<br />

They were amusing themselves telling dirty stories.<br />

[B2; b6] to be morally reprehensible. paka- v<br />

[A13; a12] act in a reprehensible way, treat, regard<br />

s.o. as reprehensible. Nagpakabastus ka ánang ímung<br />

pangitsúra, The way youre dressed, you look reprehensible.<br />

bastus_2 n clubs in the Spanish cards. v [B12; b4(1)]<br />

for a club to be drawn. Hibastusan ang ákung karta,<br />

I drew a club, or My cards were beaten by a club.<br />

básu n {1} drinking glass. {2} the Virgin Mary (Biblical).<br />

Básung ispirituhánun, The Spiritual vessel (<strong>of</strong><br />

Gods grace). v [a12] make into a drinking glass. binasúan<br />

n dance with glasses on the hands and head.

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