A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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Dapátun ta ang duha ta ka kamut, Lets let our hands<br />

touch each other. Idápat ang ímung tiil sa sanga,<br />

Let your feet touch the branch. {2} [A; c] administer<br />

medicine. Nahikatúlug siya human kadapátig tambal,<br />

He fell asleep after the medicine had been administered<br />

to him. {3} [A; b(1)] lay hands on one, hit. Anad<br />

giyud nà siyang mudápat sa íyang asáwa, He is used<br />

to hitting his wife. {4} [A; c] use in building s.t. Dì ku<br />

mudápat ug lawáan sa salug, I wont use lauan wood<br />

for the floor. Ang balay gidapátan ug kawáyan, The<br />

house was built <strong>of</strong> bamboo. {5} [c] money spent on.<br />

Unsay ímung gidapátan sa ímung kwarta? What have<br />

you done with your money? a suitable, fitting (used<br />

by speakers influenced by Tagalog). Dì dápat kanang<br />

kulúra nímu, That is not a good color for you. Dílì nà<br />

dápat pagabuhátun, You shouldnt do that. walay useless,<br />

inapplicable. Way dápat nang kahúya kay gabuk,<br />

That wood is useless because its rotten. () n material<br />

used to make s.t., usually a house. Lig-un ug dapat<br />

kining baláya, This house is made <strong>of</strong> strong materials.<br />

a flat-footed. v [B2] become flat-footed. ig-r-() =<br />

dapat, n.<br />

dápaw_1 n {1} hair on plants that causes itchiness.<br />

{2} rash resulting from contact with plants that have<br />

itchy hair. v [b4] be affected with dápaw. dapawdapaw<br />

n k.o. sea urchin with fine, whitish needles. -un a<br />

covered with itchy hair-like growths.<br />

dápaw_2 a {1} boastful, egotistic. {2} prone to tattling<br />

and gossiping. v [B12; ab6] be boastful, egotistic.<br />

Madápaw man ka lagi ug iatubang ug dága, You become<br />

boastful when you are with a young lady.<br />

dapay = dapal, v 1.<br />

dapdap n k.o. small tree <strong>of</strong> the seashore, widely<br />

planted as an ornamental for its numerous bright red<br />

flowers: Erythrina variegata.<br />

dapì v [A; ab2] slap with the open palm or s.t. flat.<br />

Bantay kay hidapian unyà ka, Watch out, or youll get<br />

slapped. Kining rulíra ákung idapì sa ímung samput,<br />

Ill spank you with this ruler. dapìdapì n top part <strong>of</strong><br />

the buttocks.<br />

dápig v [A2; b6] take sides in a quarrel. Midápig kami<br />

kaníya kay hustu siya, We took sides with him because<br />

he is right. Walà akuy gidapígan, I am not taking<br />

sides with anyone. ka-, -um-r-(), um-l-() n political<br />

supporter.<br />

dap-ig = dip-ig.<br />

dapigas v [B26; b8] loose ones footing, slip <strong>of</strong>f its footing.<br />

Midapigas (nadapigas) ang íyang tiil sa ang-ang,<br />

His foot slipped <strong>of</strong>f the step. Nadapigas ang tiil sa<br />

lamísa sa bangil, The leg <strong>of</strong> the table slipped <strong>of</strong>f the<br />


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