A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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the ro<strong>of</strong>. It is used as a storage place or sleeping area.<br />

v [A1; a] make a lawting.<br />

lawud n deep open sea. pitu ka seven seas. see lábang.<br />

v [A2NP; a] {1} go out into the deep sea, usually to<br />

fish. Ug maáyu ang panahun mulawud (manglawud)<br />

ku karung gabíi, If the weather is good, I will go out<br />

to sea tonight. Kinahanglang lawrun ta giyud ang<br />

malasugi, You have to go to the deep to get the sailfish.<br />

{2} [A13] = lawudláwud. lawudláwud v [A] be like a<br />

sea. Naglawudláwud ang halapad nga humayan, The<br />

vast rice field is like a sea. i-() n place toward town<br />

and away from rural areas. v [AP; ac6P] go, bring<br />

s.t. toward town. i- = iláwud, v. kalawran n seas.<br />

kinalawran n deepest part <strong>of</strong> the sea. lawudnun n <strong>of</strong><br />

the seas.<br />

láwug v [A2SB] for stiff and long things to warp or<br />

bend. Miláwug ang tabla human initi, The board<br />

warped after having been exposed to the sun. () n<br />

long bent things.<br />

láwung n lionfish, a brightly colored fish <strong>of</strong> coral reefs<br />

with very poisonous dorsal fins: Pterois spp.<br />

lawus a {1} withered. Ngánung lawus ang utanung<br />

ímung gipalit? Why did you buy withered vegetables?<br />

{2} withered or wizened from age or sickness.<br />

Lawus na si Glurya Rumíru, gúwang na man gud, Glo-<br />

ria Romero is faded now. She is quite old. {3} past<br />

ones prime. Lawus nang pagkabuksingíru si Ilurdi,<br />

Elorde is over his peak as a boxer. {4} for feelings to<br />

have faded. Lawus na ang ímung pagbátì nákù, Your<br />

love for me has faded. () v [B2S; b6] {1} get withered.<br />

Ang búlak muláwus (maláwus) ug initan, Flowers<br />

wither if you expose them to heat. Nagkalawus<br />

na ang tanum kay wà katubigi, The plants are getting<br />

withered because they were not watered. {2} get<br />

old and shriveled. Naglawus ka man. May balatían<br />

ka? You look shrunken. Are you ill? {3} get beyond<br />

ones prime. {4} for feelings to fade. Kanang prisyúha<br />

makaláwus (makapaláwus) giyud sa gána, That price<br />

sure throws cold water on my desire. Nagkalawus ang<br />

ákung pagláum nga maulì pa siya, My hope for his<br />

return is wavering.<br />

láwut v [B; a12] for liquids to become thick and gooey.<br />

Magkalawut ang linúgaw madúgayng sinukgay, The<br />

more porridge is stirred the thicker and more viscous<br />

it becomes. a thick and gooey. Láwut ning utána kay<br />

náay tugábang, This vegetable dish is gooey because<br />

it contains tugábang.<br />

law-uy a cooked vegetables without fish, meat, or fat.<br />

Law-uy lang ning útan kay way subak, This vegetable<br />

dish is cooked just plain because we have nothing to<br />

cook with it. v [A13B; a12] cook vegetables plain, be

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