A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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making oil. Bahúa úsà ang túnù unyà lanáha, You<br />

first ferment the coconut milk, then make it into oil.<br />

tiN- v [A12; b8] perceive odor. Nakatimahù ka ba ug<br />

patay nga ilagà? Do you smell a dead rat? paniN-<br />

() v {1} [A23] emit odor. Nanimáhù kang nangkà,<br />

You smell <strong>of</strong> jackfruit. {1a} -ng kandílà death is near<br />

(lit. the odor <strong>of</strong> candles is being emittedfacetious usage).<br />

Lúya na kaáyu ang masakitun. Nanimáhù nang<br />

kandílà, The patient is weak. You can smell the funereal<br />

candles. {2} [A] smell, perceive odor. Midágan<br />

ang lagsaw dihang nakapanimahù ug táwu, The deer<br />

ran when it perceived the odor <strong>of</strong> man. {3} [A2] find<br />

out, get wind <strong>of</strong>. Nanimáhù ug unsang kumbiráha<br />

maáyu níyang suhútan, Hes finding out what party is<br />

good to attend. Ag tuntu nakapanimahù (nakabahù)<br />

sa ámung mga plánu, The fool got wind <strong>of</strong> our plans.<br />

ig-() n nga paryinti be in any way a relative <strong>of</strong>. Dílì ka<br />

igbáhù nga paryinti ni Títa. Makaminyù mu, You are<br />

in no way related to Tita. You two can get married.<br />

ka- n stench. Ang kabahù sa yánang dílì maagwanta,<br />

I cant endure the stench <strong>of</strong> the pool <strong>of</strong> mud.<br />

báhud v [B2] for wounds to swell and redden. Mibáhud<br />

ang íyang núka kay hiinitan man, His wound became<br />

swollen because it was exposed to the sun. Ug musúd<br />

kag mintiryu mubáhud ang ímung kabahung, If you go<br />

into a cemetery your wound might swell and redden.<br />

bahug v [A; c] {1} put liquid or fat into the staple<br />

food. Mubahug lang siyag mantíkà kay dì mukáun ug<br />

útan, He mixes lard with his corn because he doesnt<br />

eat vegetables. {2} feed leftovers to. Ibahug na lang<br />

ang pán ngadtu sa ítik, Toss the bread to the ducks. -<br />

in-, -in-an n food mixed with soup, lard, or water. Ang<br />

íyang binahug (binahugan) gikaun sa irù, The dog ate<br />

his food mixed with soup. bahugbáhug v [A; b] {1} do<br />

s.t. in large amounts. Nagbahugbáhug kamig katáwa<br />

sa íla, We had a barrel <strong>of</strong> laughs at their house. {2}<br />

have a free-for-all fight. n {1} s.t. done in plentiful<br />

quantities. Bahugbáhug ang ínum sa kasal, There was<br />

drinking done on a large scale at the wedding. {2}<br />

free-for-all fight.<br />

bahùlu = bahuulu.<br />

bàhun see bahà, v3.<br />

bahut a boastful, talking about ones accomplishments<br />

or abilities in too obvious a manner. Kadaghan ku<br />

nang nabátì kanang bahut nímung isturya, How many<br />

times have I already heard your boastful stories! v<br />

[B12] become boastful.<br />

bahuulu n k.o. crevally: Caranx melampygus.<br />

báid v [A3P; a] {1} rub s.t. on s.t. else to sharpen it<br />

to make it shiny. Baírun ku ang sanggut, Ill sharpen<br />

the scythe. Ibáid sa simintu ang batu arun masínaw,

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