A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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on s.o.<br />

mídi n midi skirt. v {1} [A13] wear a midi dress. {2}<br />

[c1] make a midi dress.<br />

midída n cloth tape measure used in dressmaking.<br />

midikal a connected with the practice or study <strong>of</strong><br />

medicine.<br />

midikilyu = miriku.<br />

midiku n physician, doctor. ligal n legal physician who<br />

certifies the medical facts surrounding a death.<br />

mid-in dyapan n {1} shoddy in workmanship or quality.<br />

{2} weakling, sickly. Tambuk tan-áwun apan midin<br />

dyapan. Dalì rang mayasmì, She looks fat, but she<br />

is weak. She easily gets sick.<br />

midisin n course <strong>of</strong> medicine. kabinit n medicine cabinet.<br />

bag n medicine bag.<br />

midisína n {1} medicine. Pagpalit ug midisína sa<br />

butíka, Buy medicine at the drugstore. {2} chemical<br />

for the processing <strong>of</strong> s.t. Midisína sa kulung, Chemicals<br />

for a permanent wave. {3} course in medical<br />

school.<br />

midiya half. Midiya pulgáda ang gibag-un, Half an<br />

inch thick. Midiya ang bátà sa sinihan, A child pays<br />

half fare in the movies. Midiya kílu nga karni, Half a<br />

kilo <strong>of</strong> meat. i- thirty minutes after the hour. Alas<br />

dus imidiya, Two thirty. v [B56] get to be to the half<br />

hour. Alas singku na ba?Mumidiya na hinúun, Is it<br />

already five oclock?It is nearly five thirty. agwa n a<br />

ro<strong>of</strong> projecting beyond the wall at a downward angle<br />

over the whole length or width <strong>of</strong> a house, or just over<br />

a window or door. v [A; b] add an overhang. bangku<br />

n wind coming at a forty-five degree angle from directly<br />

in back <strong>of</strong> a boat. Pabur gihápun sa sakayan<br />

ang hángin nga midiya bangku, A wind which comes<br />

from the back but at an angle is still favorable to sailboats.<br />

díya n half day. Midiya díya ra ang trabáhu<br />

basta Sabadu, We work half-day on Saturdays. v [A;<br />

c16] do s.t. half-day. nutsi n the dinner served at midnight<br />

on Christmas. pága n half fare. táwu n s.o. who<br />

is extraordinarily short. midiyamidiya v [b(1)] do s.t.<br />

in a moderate way. Midiyamidiyáhi lang pagpadágan<br />

arun dílì ta madisgrasya, Drive at a moderate rate so<br />

we dont meet an accident. Midiyamidiyáhi ug hugut<br />

ang twirka arun dílì maharùs, Tighten the screw moderately<br />

so it wont get stripped. midiyahan n {1} a<br />

fifth, so called because it contains half the volume <strong>of</strong> a<br />

bottle which formerly was in wide use. {2} small train<br />

station between two main stations where a train can<br />

stop to take on or discharge passengers or freight but<br />

cannot issue tickets.<br />

midiyas n {1} socks, stockings. {2} condom (humor-

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