A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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close to God. -an() n wringer for deseeding cotton.<br />

dutù n porcupine fish: Diodon spp.<br />

dut-uy v [A; c] press s.t. to s.t. else to leave a mark.<br />

Nakadut-uy ka na sa mga papílis? Have you thumbmarked<br />

the documents? Ayawg idut-uy ang ímung<br />

kamut sa basà nga simintu, Dont leave a hand mark<br />

in the wet concrete.<br />

dúug = dul-ug.<br />

duugduug v [B6] feel giddy, usually from a hang-over<br />

or nausea. Nagduugduug ang íyang kay naigù gabíi,<br />

He feels light-headed because he was very drunk last<br />

night. n feeling <strong>of</strong> light-headedness.<br />

duuk, dúuk v [A; c] dunk, press s.t. under the water.<br />

Planggánang ákung giduukan sa mga bulingun, The<br />

basin in which I squashed the dirty clothes. Idúuk ku<br />

nang úlu mu sa baril, Ill dunk your head in that barrel.<br />

dúul_1 v {1} [A; ac] go, put where s.t. is. Ayaw siya<br />

duúla ug masukù, Dont go to him if he is angry. Idúul<br />

diri nang asin bi, Please pass me the salt (put the salt<br />

here). {1a} [A; b6] approach, come near. Ang isdà<br />

dílì madúul run, You cant get near (pay the price <strong>of</strong>)<br />

fish these days. Langgam nga giduúlan sa iring, A<br />

bird that the cat was coming near to. {1b} [C; ac] be,<br />

put close together. Nagdúul ang ílang lingkuránan,<br />

Their chairs are close together. {1c} [C; c1] be close<br />

in personal relationships. Ang maáyung manidyir<br />

makigdúul sa íyang mga sákup, A good manager is<br />

close to his staff. {2} [A; ac5] approach s.o. with a<br />

request. Lisud kaáyu siyang duúlun. Maíkug lang ta,<br />

He is a difficult person to approach. Im ashamed to<br />

go ask him. Ang ákung idúul níya? Manghangyù lang<br />

ku sa uban, I would never approach her to ask for it.<br />

I will just ask s.o. else. {3} [A; a12] have sexual intercourse<br />

(most frequently used euphemism). Ang bána<br />

dílì paduúlun sa asáwa basta riglahun, A husband is<br />

not allowed to have relations with his wife when she<br />

menstruates. {4} [A23; b6] for a child to let himself<br />

be approached by s.o. Mudúul nyà siya nímu ug<br />

maánad na, He will let you pick him up once he gets<br />

used to you. () a {1} near. Duul na lang ang Pasku,<br />

Christmas is near now. Duul ra dinhi ang karsáda,<br />

The road is near here. Duul pang parinti ang igtagsa,<br />

Your first cousin is still a close relative. {2} be almost<br />

[so-and-so] much. Duul na alas dúsi siya maulì, It was<br />

nearly twelve when she got home. {3} sa kusína, luwag<br />

close to s.o. in power. Dì musayup ang aplikisyun kay<br />

duul ku sa luwag, The application wont fail because Im<br />

close to s.o. in power. v {1} [B12; c] be, become near.<br />

Ug maduul na ang bakasyun, When vacation time is<br />

near. Nagkaduul ang bagyu, The storm is drawing<br />

nearer and nearer. Iduul nà pagbutang sa kaláyu, Put

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