A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports

A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan - iTeX translation reports


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ku sa táwung nag-ílug sa ámung humstid, I seethe<br />

with anger when I see the man who stole our homestead.<br />

{b} [A12] feel a strange attitude <strong>of</strong> kinship for<br />

a stranger who turns out to be a relative. Bantug ra<br />

nga mibúkal ang ákung dugù pagkakità nímu. Paryinti<br />

man diay ta, No wonder I felt close to you when I<br />

saw you. You are related to me. sa dugù sa kasingkásing<br />

{c} [b4] suffer a fatal heart attack. Kalit ang kamatáyun<br />

sa táwung bukálan sa dugù sa kasingkásing,<br />

Death from a fatal heart attack is instantaneous. -in-,<br />

pina- n s.t. boiled or boiling.<br />

búkal_2 n k.o. tall, tufted grass <strong>of</strong> open waste places:<br />

Roitboellia exaltata.<br />

bukána n area where the waters <strong>of</strong> a river merge with<br />

the open sea.<br />

bukarilyu n k.o. sweet made from young shredded coconut<br />

meat, sugar, and flavoring boiled with a syrup<br />

and hardened. v [A; b6c1] make bukarilyu.<br />

bukas_1 v [AB13(1); b] open s.t., be opened. Ang<br />

kusug nga hángin mibukas sa íyang sayal, The strong<br />

wind made her skirt fly up. Nagbukas ang pwirta,<br />

The door is standing open. Buksi ang sulat, Open the<br />

letter. a open. ang pultahan always welcome, the door<br />

is always open. Bukas kanúnay ang ámung pultahan<br />

álang kanímu, Our door is always open to you.<br />

bukas_2, búkas = buklas.<br />

bukasyun n vocation.<br />

bukasyunal n vocational training course. v [a12] make<br />

into a vocational school.<br />

bukatut_1 a ugly in face. v [B; c1] be, become uglyfaced.<br />

bukatut_2 n term used to refer to animals that eat<br />

crops as a means <strong>of</strong> avoiding reference to the animal<br />

itself. It is believed that pests are raised by supernatural<br />

beings and referring to them by name will cause<br />

them to multiply.<br />

búkaw_1 = búkal_1.<br />

búkaw_2 n k.o. owl: Ninox philippensis. bukawbukaw<br />

n name given to flat-bodied fishes with large owl-like<br />

eyes.<br />

bukáwi = bayukáwi.<br />

búkay = abúkay.<br />

bukáyù = bukháyù.<br />

bukbuk = balukbuk_1, 2, 3, 4.<br />

bukdu = bugdu.<br />

bukgay n k.o. edible fresh-water shell similar to the

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